Schwalbe Pro-Core System Inner Tubes


Size: 26 X 1.1
Sale price£166.33

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Pro-Core System26, 27.5, 29''

The most advanced tyre technology on the market, used by the pro's to win races is now available to you.

For more information visit the Schwalbe Pro-core site

Here is what Factory Jackson thinks:

"We have been riding the Procore system for a couple of months now, and have spent three weeks of that in the Alps - and have not suffered a single puncture or problem. 

Alp D'huez is notoriously rocky in places and can be super hard on bikes - but whilst others I rode with were pumping in well over 40psi, I kept my tyres soft and made the most of the comfort and grip.

I completely trust the system - it's a brilliant innovation. 

Schwalbe Procore really is a game-changing product".


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