Prepare yourself for the monumental 20th anniversary of the world's most extreme freeride MTB event with the extraordinary 2021 Red Bull Rampage Collection. Drawing inspiration from 90s outdoor gear, this windbreaker combines style and functionality to keep you protected from the elements while you immerse yourself in the action. Its captivating all-over contour line design pays homage to the event, its iconic location, and the exhilarating ride itself. The windbreaker is enhanced with vibrant pops of color on the zip, hood, and cuffs, adding a touch of flair to your look. The Red Bull Rampage branding proudly displayed on the left breast completes the distinctive aesthetic.
Key Features:
- Material: 100% Polyester
- Red Bull Rampage B-Contour Windbreaker
- Red Bull Rampage logo positioned on the left breast
- All-over contour line design inspired by the event and its breathtaking location
- 90s-inspired aesthetic with contrasting details for a vibrant color pop
- Full-length zip leading to the hood for added protection
- Unisex design suitable for all riders
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